Women's Capacity Enhancement - Training the Trainers Workshop - East Timor
planned on 8th March to also to comommorate ‘International Women’s Day’- however due to political unrest in East Timor and curfew the workshop was dealyed. This workshop was facilitated by Women’s Ecuemnical Accompaniment for Vision and Vision and Empowerment (WEAVE) project of CCA. WEAVE or is a on going project of EGY-CCA for capacity building of women in conflict ridden societies.
· To accompany Church women in East Timor in order to help them to develop leadership skills for conflict transformation.
· To encourage CCA member Churches and Councils to support newer Churches.
· To Link Women's organizations in support of women in conflict situations.
Outcome Training the Trainers Worshop:
13 women from different districts in East Timor namely Dili, Baucau, Aileu, Ermera, Bobonaro and Ainaro actively participated in this training.
The women jointly evolved concrete action plans and straegies for promoting women’s ecumenical movement in East Timor.
Women’s committee was elected through secret ballot and five women were elected namely Leocadia de Jesus ( Chairperson), Kristin Garvalho, Elen Ira Mata, Erna Lily and Sildonia Pinto.