Recent News
Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia
General Assembly concludes with Worship and Holy Eucharistic Service in a vibrant ecumenical atmosphere of quest for unity and common witness
General Assembly elects new Executive Committee and Officers for next quinquennium
CCA Assembly adopts statements on ecumenical responses to emerging concerns and issues
Fraternal representatives of CCA partners from across the world extend greetings at the 15th General Assembly
Plight of forgotten victims of Endosulfan pesticides formed focus of D.T. Niles Memorial Lecture at CCA General Assembly
Prominent Dalit theologian Raj Bharat Patta says, Life in its fullness is not a possession or a mere monopoly of a few, but it should be enjoyed by all
General Assembly reviews programmes implemented since 2016, and recommends pathways for the future direction in changing demographic and ecclesial contexts in Asia
CCA General Assembly participants overjoyed with opportunities and spiritual experiences in worshipping at local congregations on Asia Sunday
‘Churcha’ sessions at General Assembly set priorities, promote accompaniment and engagement for future ecumenical actions
Kerala Chief Minister inaugurates first-ever Asian Ecumenical Festival, as part of CCA General Assembly
Asian Inter-Religious leaders underscore the necessity of dwelling in harmony
Asian indigenous theologians emphasise renewal and restoration as imperative to affirming God’s will
CCA General Assembly decides on historic step of implementing consensus decision-making
General Secretary’s report to the Assembly highlights Asian ecumenical journey from Jakarta to Kottayam
WCC General Secretary Dr Jerry Pillay outlines signs of ‘poly-crisis’ or shocks being faced around the world