Update on the CCA General Assembly Plans

A preparatory sub-committee on theme and issues of the CCA General Assembly met on 13 September in Hong Kong and reflected on the GA theme, "Building Communities of Peace for All".
The committee will prepare a study booklet explaining why this theme in light of the glaring absence of peace in Asia and the cultures within which we are called to be communities of peace. The group affirmed the need to revisit our Asian vision and experiences of peace and of alternative communities that counter the present cultures of no-peace. The group also stressed the need to highlight interreligious dimensions of peace and communities.
Recognizing that churches have somehow participated in situations that have brought about non-peace, the group recommended that "building communities of peace for all" involves repentance and self-criticism, celebration of those efforts towards peace, and dedication and commitment.
At a practical level, the group also reflected on how the processes in the General Assembly should confirm the theme. This includes, among other things, the way business meetings will be conducted - which should be in the spirit of building peace.
As a whole, the committee recommended that the 12th CCA General Assembly should be conducted in ways that are more participatory, celebratory and Asian.