[Update] CCA Assembly 2010 "Art Compettition"

Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) is Asia's oldest ecumenical organization which draws its membership from nearly 100 churches and fifteen national councils from nineteen countries. It brings together from time to time participants from member churches and councils for seminars and conferences in order to equip and nurture them to go back to their countries and engage in God's mission. Once in five years CCA holds its General Assembly and gathers more than three hundred members to celebrate life, discuss and set policy to re-enact God's mission in Asia. CCA will hold its 13th General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from April 15-22, 2010.
Theme of the Assembly
The theme of the Assembly is: Called to Prophesy, Reconcile and Heal. This is an appropriate theme and has to be reflected upon and wrestled with in light of complex and conflicting Asian realities. God's call to people to prophesy, reconcile and to be a healing community is a tremendous challenge and a call to a costly discipleship. Very often the voice of prophecy is ignored and the prophets are marginalized or expelled from churches. This type of attitude towards prophets was there during the biblical times and prevails until now.
The dominant tradition in the bible regarding the prophetic ministry is how God selected, especially some individuals, from communities to speak God's Word of judgment, reconciliation and healing. In the bible we discover that God's prophets called into question and challenged idolatry, exploitation of the poor, ill-treatment of the widow and the orphan. Throughout the history of the Church until now the prophetic voice has challenged and denounced the sins of racism, apartheid, patriarchy, abuse of power, both within the Church and in arenas of politics, culture and economics. Along with denouncement of all forms of individual and corporate sin God also announced through the prophets of the past and the present the need to repent and follow the path of reconciliation and healing.
Reconciliation and healing are understood in the bible as ways to mend broken and distorted relationships and building up community and relationships anew. Hence, reconciliation is not an artificial fixation of relationships or putting things right and allowing the status quo to prevail. Reconciliation looks at a transformation of the present which involves addressing root causes in order to bring about authentic and lasting renewal. The "peace" which Paul speaks about in Romans 5:1, 11 is certainly peace with God. But, it also involves transformation of human relationships and building of a just community. The radical peace which Paul speaks of is rooted in the idea of Jesus the Christ breaking down all forms of barriers and walls of hostility (Eph. 2:14). Paul's concept of peace goes beyond human relationships to embrace the whole of God's creation (Col. 1:20). According to Paul reconciliation embodies a new creation (2 Cor.5:17) and a new quality of life. An integral part of the reconciliation involves a process of healing of the body mind and spirit of the human person on the one hand, and at the same time it also involves healing of broken relationships, communities and nations. The role of the Holy Spirit in this entire process of prophesying, reconciling and healing is to empower people and the entire creation to move towards the realization of reconciliation, healing and wholeness.
Finally, what is entailed in reconciliation and healing is rooted in the story of Jesus of Nazareth. Reconciliation is rooted and flows out of Jesus' birth, passion, death, resurrection and ascension.
Assembly theme is a reminder as well as a call to the churches in Asia to respond to God's call and engage in prophetic, reconciling and healing ministries without counting the cost.
Invitation to Asian Artists
- To produce a Logo for the CCA Assembly
- To produce a painting to use it as the CCA official poster
We are aware that what embodies in the theme of the Assembly cannot be exhausted through words alone. Therefore, we invite and encourage artists in Christian churches in Asia to engage with this theme and present an artistic view of the theme in the forms of a logo and a painting.
General Assembly Theme Song
In addition to the logo and the painting we also invite song writers and musicians to compose the theme song for the Assembly using Asian music and the words to reflect what the theme means within the Asian context. It has to be something original and indigenous to Asia.
"The winner of each category will be awarded a cash gift of US$300.00"
Closing date of the competition will be October 25, 2008
For further information, and all entries with the name, address and contact number
Or e-mail should be sent to the following address:
General Secretary
Christian Conference of Asia
C/o Payap University
Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Tel: (66) 53-243-906/7
E-mail: [email protected]