Statement of North East Asia Peace Consultation, NEAPC 2007

For building peace in North East Asia under current situation of people’s suffering, we have joined in NEAPC 2007 with specific focus on “de-militarization” at Methodist Retreat Center, Taipei, Taiwan on May 16-22, 2007 jointly organized by Christian Conference of Asia-Youth, Ecumenical Youth Council in Korea, Hong Kong Christian Council, National Christian Council in Japan and the Youth Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. We were thirty-three youth leaders, academics, lay and ordained, from Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Sharing national issues and our stories, we sought for peace in NEA by reflecting concrete keyword, “de-militarization”.
Violence and militarization which caused many wars in the past and brought lots of sufferings are still obstructing peace to each nation. During the war, people were always the victims and it also broke the relationship to each other. Although there were the loss of lives and property under military action obviously, military powers have not been reduced in NEA which caused the problem of division in Korea, tensional relationship between China and Taiwan, violation of Human Rights in Japan and the threat of human right in Hong Kong.
Theological Reflection:
The biblical theme of the consultation was "To Keep the unity through the Bond of Peace"(Ephesians 4:3). This passage shows that peace will come true if we have a peaceful solidarity instead of being ignorant, the situation of militarization must be changed by positive action. We believe it is God's will. In this, we saw the biblical imperative to act for peace.
De-militarization is not one-side Taiwan’s business. Nowadays, life of people in Taiwan is still under the threat from China. Both sides, Taiwan and China, should dialogue in order to face the issue together based on mutual understanding and trust. Only if China remove their military threat and Taiwan reduce our defense, the security of Taiwan Strait will be assured. On the other hand, despite China doesn’t admit Taiwan as an independent state, Taiwan and China should have equal status in international community and co-operate with each other. Therefore, peace of justice will emerge.
Japanese militarization is accelerating now. Revision of Article 9, the Constitution of Japan is an actual step to train Japanese military forces and to integrate its function with US forces, realignment of US base in Japan. In this situation, especially, the struggle of people in Henoko, Okinawa is an urgent issue. It is crucial to support their blocking action against construction of new US base with people’s solidarity in order to build a nonviolent, peaceful world.
Peace Settlement and Reunification on Korean Peninsula
The tension in Korean Peninsula was intensified by nuclear testing of North Korea. However, after recent six-party talks it is getting better gradually. We hope that peace on Korean Peninsula will emerge and sustain forever through successful six-party talks and more confidence between North and South Korea.
Hong Kong
The enhancement of patriotic education by HK Government, which only caters to the status quo of rich and the controlling power of the government, is getting stronger. In order to encourage political consciousness and critical thinking of HK people, especially youth and students, human right and citizen right education should be promoted to build a society of justice, peace and solidarity.
Sub-regional issue (Taiwan)
Lately, China has disposed over one thousand missiles targeting Taiwan and the US military bases in Japan and South Korea; meanwhile China has increased military budget over 10% every year. This fact becomes a severe threat to the peace in NEA as well as to the security and self-determination of Taiwan people. Therefore, cooperation among nations in NEA should be built for regional peace.
Sub-regional issue (Japan)
Militarization in Japan goes on rapidly against its peaceful ideal, Article 9 and its revision is a big concern for North East Asia, too. Japanese government aims at increasing its ability of forces by the revision of Article 9 and will unite its military power with US forces after realignment of US base in Japan. Therefore, Japanese-US forces would be a serious threat for peace and enable to attack enemy nations depends on their common interest like the Iraq War. For this reason, it is an urgent issue for NEA to support the struggle by people who strike for peace, especially those in Henoko, Okinawa in order to break up this situation of Japan-US military coalition and to build a non-violent, peaceful world.
Sub-regional Issue (Korea)
Peace Settlement and Reunification on Korean Peninsula
Supremacy fight between China and US in North East Asia is strengthening. US is relocating US military base in the name of security of South Korea. However, US are hiding their military strategy to aim at China. Meanwhile, China support to North Korea with military aid. Military strain in Korean Peninsula must be relieved for peace in North East Asia. Therefore, we think that peace settlement and reunification on Korean Peninsula must come true and we appeal concern and support from the countries in North East Asia.
We require that first of all, the church in North and South Korea must work together for the reunification of Korean Peninsula. We, Christian youth and students, will strive to arouse the passion of reunification of Christian youth and students, and for bringing inter-personal encounter between North and South.
In conclusion, war brings people suffering and sadness. We can replace war with peace. We should understand each other in the international cooperation and strive for justice. We bring all of you here, to share and work against injustice and oppression with non-violence, so that we can accomplish de-militarization in the North East Asia and keep the unity through the bond of peace in the world.