Solidarity with member churches and councils in Aotearoa-NZ
24 February 2011
The Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
The Methodist Church of New Zealand
Christian Churches, New Zealand (formerly the Associated Churches of Christ, NZ)
The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
Society of Friends, New Zealand
Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Aotearoa New Zealand:
Greetings of Peace from the Christian Conference of Asia.
We are following the events in Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, in shock and with great dismay. We are also aware of the number of deaths, those gone missing and the extensive damage caused to churches, homes and commercial buildings. At times like this one feels the vulnerability of us humans along with fear, despair, hopelessness and anger. It is unfortunate that these catastrophic events have been taking place in Asia quite frequently to the extent that many people of faith are beginning to raise the question like in the book of Psalms, “Why, O God, Why?” In such situations there are those who even despise God and move away from belief in God.
However, what is commendable and unique is that in these situations of tragedy our faith as a people of God and our solidarity reach out to you because your pain, loss, tragedy, despair and hopelessness are ours, too, as we are one in Christ and because we are the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27). At the same time, you who have faced this tragedy are also bound together in solidarity and love with those who have faced similar tragedies and have walked through the valley of the shadow of death in spite of geographical distance and differences of ethnicity, color, class, caste, creed and gender.
It is this bonding and solidarity in Jesus Christ which gives all of us the spiritual strength to bring hope to situations of hopelessness, faith to situations of doubt, joy to situations of sorrow; and to accompany those who have lost everything in life. Please let us know what practical ways we can offer to help the Aotearoa New Zealand Churches in this emergency.
We, the members of CCA uphold you in our prayers and stand in solidarity with you as you try to bring life back to the people in and around Christchurch. Please convey our concern to those who have become victims and assure them the churches in Asia are praying for them with regular intercessions.
With peace, compassion and love,
Yours sincerely,
Henriette Hutabarat Lebang
General Secretary
CCA Member Churches and Councils
Members of the CCA General Committee
Ecumenical Partners