NCC Bangladesh Press Release
All Electronic and Print Medias
Dear News Editor/Director
Greetings with Peace from the National Council of Churches-Bangladesh! Please print or broadcast this Statements to your renowned Media.
You may aware the news of attempt to burn the copies of the Holy Quran by some misguided and communal Christian groups at the Dove World Outreach Centre in the United States on the 11 September, 2010.
The National Council of Churches-Bangladesh strongly condemning the intention and plan of the persons connected with this ill-motivated and ultra-communal attempt. Never this kind of action can be supportable by any genuine Christian, as it demonstrate a intolerant and aggressive attitude to other religious sentiment.
We strongly urge to the Administration of US Government not to allow them to do this unwanted activity or to take drastic measures to stop it. At the same time we strongly appeal to refrain themselves, people who are attempting to do this.
To attack any religion in the United States is to do violence to the religious freedom of all Worlds and religious harmony. We are anxious about their intention while the Eid-Ul-Fitr has been celebrated by our Muslim brothers and sisters.
We deeply express our sense of solidarity and the mutual respect to our Muslim brother and sister here in our country and all over the world, as specially we have a long tradition of a peaceful Communal harmony. We also request you to take necessary measures in your level for about any unexpected situation in our communities.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
David A. Das
General Secretary
Joyanta Adhikari