Announcement:- Asia Sunday 2011
Every year since 1974, Asia Sunday has been celebrated in Asia and among ecumenical organizations around the world on the Sunday before Pentecost. The observance is to commemorate the founding of the East Asia Christian Conference, renamed in 1973 as the Christian Conference of Asia.
This year Asia Sunday falls on 5 June 2011. The theme of Asia Sunday 2011 is “Make Us Healers, O God.” This is drawn from the CCA 13th General Assembly theme which will run for five years (2011-15), “Called to Prophesy, Reconcile and Heal.” The theme is a prayer for us to become healers even as we also pray to be healed of our brokenness and division in our personal and communal life, and in relation to the whole creation.
Please mark 5 June 2011 on your church calendar as Asia Sunday, or designate any Sunday you may prefer. Liturgical resources are being prepared by a staff team at CCA and will be made available electronically.