News and Views
Test 18Dec
18 December 2023Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia
02 November 2023General Assembly concludes with Worship and Holy Eucharistic Service in a vibrant ecumenical atmosphere of quest for unity and common witness
03 October 2023General Assembly elects new Executive Committee and Officers for next quinquennium
03 October 2023CCA Assembly adopts statements on ecumenical responses to emerging concerns and issues
03 October 2023Fraternal representatives of CCA partners from across the world extend greetings at the 15th General Assembly
03 October 202315th CCA General Assembly Newsletter 03 Oct 2023
03 October 2023Plight of forgotten victims of Endosulfan pesticides formed focus of D.T. Niles Memorial Lecture at CCA General Assembly
02 October 2023Prominent Dalit theologian Raj Bharat Patta says, Life in its fullness is not a possession or a mere monopoly of a few, but it should be enjoyed by all
02 October 2023General Assembly reviews programmes implemented since 2016, and recommends pathways for the future direction in changing demographic and ecclesial contexts in Asia
02 October 202315th CCA General Assembly Newsletter 02 Oct 2023
02 October 2023CCA General Assembly participants overjoyed with opportunities and spiritual experiences in worshipping at local congregations on Asia Sunday
01 October 2023‘Churcha’ sessions at General Assembly set priorities, promote accompaniment and engagement for future ecumenical actions
01 October 2023Kerala Chief Minister inaugurates first-ever Asian Ecumenical Festival, as part of CCA General Assembly
30 September 2023Asian Inter-Religious leaders underscore the necessity of dwelling in harmony
30 September 2023
The Christian Conference of Asia is a regional ecumenical organisation and a forum of continuing cooperation among the churches and national Christian bodies in Asia, believing that the purpose of God for the church in Asia is life together in common obedience of witness to the mission of God in the world.
CCA Programmes
As the General Secretary, Dr Mathews George Chunakara leads the CCA as its chief executive officer and is responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of the implementation and monitoring of all programme areas. The General Secretary is also tasked with the responsibility of strengthening relationships with member churches and councils, liaising with the governing board and advisory bodies, and building relationships with governments and intergovernmental organisations.
…Mission and witness belong to the very being of the Church. Mission of God cares and loves all God’s creation. God’s invitation is to all in the community to become God’s co-workers (1 Cor. 3:9) and participate in God’s continuing act of recreating and uniting the whole of creation. The churches and their members are called to be engaged in God’s mission and witness in unity according to the gospel’s principles. The unity of the church is an essential factor in carrying out God’s mission in all contexts. Unity brings to the world the power…
Ecumenical formation is an essential component for responsiveness to God’s call for unity. It is a gift of God’s grace, calling all Christians to have faith in the mystery of God and the Church, according to the design of God who wishes to bring humanity to salvation and unity in Christ, through the Holy Spirit. The unity we seek in the ecumenical movement and its vehicle of ecumenical formation is to receive the fruit of hope and realization of Jesus’ prayer, “that they all may be one”. Often the opportunities and requirements of…
Peace prevails where everyone has fair and equal access to justice and an atmosphere to live in security. Peace sustains only in a situation where everyone is able to participate in shaping their destiny and decision makers are accountable to the people. Peace is, therefore, a state of order, of freedom from fear and want, of being secure. In such a society as Prophet Micah says, “Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid” (Micah 4:4).
On the contrary, it is a matter of…
Diakonia is central to what it means to be the church and fulfilling the church’s mission and witness as servants. Diakonia is a core component of the gospel and is not an optional but an essential part of discipleship. Diakonia is a gift of the Holy Spirit and a manifestation of practical love for human beings. As such Diakonia reaches out to all persons, who are created in God’s image. While Diakonia begins as unconditional service to the neighbor in need, it leads inevitably to social changes that restore, reform and transform as well as…
Programmes and Activities
Test 18Dec
15th General Assembly of the CCA
27 September–4 October 2023 | Kottayam, India
Asia Sunday–2023
21 May 2023 | Chiang Mai, Thailand
Asian Church and Ecumenical Leaders' Conference
1–5 May 2023 | Jakarta, Indonesia